Sunday School
Join one of our Sunday school classes if you want to connect with other believers. You will make new friends that will help you during times of trouble and encourage you as spend time learning about God and His plans for your life.
Below is a list of all Sunday school classes which begin at 9:15 a.m..
List of Adult Sunday school classes:
Shield (ages 18 - 35) meet in Parlor led by Hannah Brown
Adult 4 (ages 35+) led by Sonia Barker
Adult 3 (ages 35+) led by various teachers
Adult 2 Joy Class (60+) led by Joyce Post
Rosa King Class (60+) led by Cora Hatcher
Men's Class (60+) led by Benny Post
List of Youth Sunday school classes:
Youth (grades 9th-12th) meet in "Elevate" youth room (upstairs) at Family Life Center
Jr High (grades 6th - 8th) meet in "Amplify" room (upstairs) at Family Life Center
List of Children's Sunday school classes:
Children 3 (grades 3rd - 5th) meet upstairs in Church Building with Ginie Cameron & Cindy Berry
Children 1 (grades K - 2nd) meet downstairs in Church Building with Shirley Howe & Melissa Porter
List of Nursery Sunday school classes:
Nursery 4 (age 4(as of school year beginning) through Kindergarten)-led by Kim Ward
These classes begin at 9:15 a.m. and run through Services
Nursery 3 (ages 3 & 4 (after year school year beginning)) meet in JAM Kids Area
Nursery 2 (ages 1 & 2) meet in JAM Kids Area
Nursery 1 (bed babies) meet in JAM Kids Nursery